Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sunday - Did nothing

Monday - Boring

Tuesday - BORING

Wednesday - BORING!!!

Thursday - BBOORRIINNGG!!!!!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Monday - BORING ( need to go literature lesson with a trainee teacher which makes no response from the class. Our form Lit teacher was fun. His name is Timothy Boay but I call him Mr Boyboy or Ah boy.)

Tuesday - A BIT FUN (Made spaghetti bolognese for HE *ate all the mushroom HEHEHE*)

Wednesday - skipped school to watch eclipse but no chance.. Go 2 science centre also waste of time to know that we can only see 10% of the sun blocked for singaporeans. Good thing is my dad was interviewed by Channel 8 and U. My sis kena interview by Staits Times. MY NAME WAS INCLUDED IN BOTH INTERVIEWS!!!
Thursday - BORING (saw auntie, apek and one 19 to 25 year old blur kingfighting verbally. said alot vulgarities like @#$%^&&* and kannasai. Sometimes it is very important 2 be kiasu)
Friday - BORING (no comment)
Saturday - visited my other sis's workplace at ZARA at the new ION at orchard. Looks damn like a hotel. The toilet is more cosy than the shopping centre. Lagi with the music, ambient, damn power.